
Wastewater reuse 101: An eye-opening perspective on the key benefits

Let’s break it down – reusing water, often referred to as recycling water or reclamation, is a process that recovers water from a number of sources, treats it, and then uses it for industrial activities, environmental restoration, potable water supply, agriculture and irrigation, and groundwater replenishment.  

The key benefits to reusing water is that it will improve water security, sustainability, and resilience while offering alternatives to current water sources.

At WPS we ensure that the treatment of wastewater is customized to meet the requirements of our clients. 

Wastewater reclamation and reuse have emerged as a viable option for preserving and extending the supply of readily accessible water as many communities are approaching the limits of their readily available water supplies. This is because reclaimed water may be used in place of high-quality water for applications that do not demand it. More focus is being placed on expanding water sources, offering a backup supply, and complying with environmental standards by better controlling water use and wastewater discharges in order to help fulfill both current and future water needs.

Reusing water is appealing, especially when the available water supply is already overutilized and unable to satisfy rising water demands in a growing community. The luxury of utilizing water only once is no longer available to society.

These sources of water can all be treated to meet fit-for-purpose specifications for a particular beneficial use such as irrigation, potable water supplies, and industrial processes.

  • Municipal sewage water
  • Industrial effluent water
  • Stormwater
  • Agricultural runoff

When it comes to water reuse, there are many types of technologies available which enable us to recycle this precious resource. 

  • Filtration
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Disinfection

Potential advantages of water reuse and reclamation:

  • Conserving freshwater resources.
  • Benefits to the economy by lowering the demand for additional water sources and related infrastructure.
  • Reclaimed water’s nutrients may eliminate the need for additional fertilizers, conserving resources. Reclaimed water from treated wastewater is nutrient-rich; when utilized to irrigate agricultural land, this water reduces the need for fertilizer to support crop development.
  • Improving water security and sustainability for future generations to come. 

So, what is our take on it?

We, at WPS, feel that reclaimed water can have a quality that is suitable for many non-potable uses, including irrigation and industrial cooling, and cleaning water. This extra water supply can lead to more effective and efficient use of water.

We want to contribute to water being used effectively in order to achieve the aim of water resource sustainability and lowering the amount of treated effluent released into receiving waters.

We can assist clients by adjusting treatment requirements to serve the ultimate goals and meet their unique needs.

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