Case Study: Empowering Sustainable Agriculture Through Modularized Water Treatment Solutions

Water Treatment

In response to the pressing need for sustainable irrigation solutions within South Africa’s agricultural sector, our client, a division of the South African government tasked with crop inspection and quarantine, embarked on a strategic project. Facing challenges related to high fluoride levels and sodium absorption ratio (SAR) in their borehole water, the objective was clear: to achieve C1S1 irrigation specifications for high-spec crops while ensuring long-term cost savings and reduced dependency on municipal water sources.

Client Background

Our client, a pivotal entity in South Africa’s agricultural landscape, operates at the forefront of crop inspection and regulation. However, the irrigation challenge presented a formidable obstacle; High fluoride levels, which are toxic to plants, and a SAR to Conductivity ratio, which is imperative to meet stringent irrigation standards, demanded a robust solution. The quest was not merely for water treatment but for a comprehensive, cost-effective approach to sustainably meet irrigation requirements for the client’s needs and objectives.

Solution Overview

Our solution was rooted in technological innovation and practicality, encompassing the entire journey from borehole to point of use. WPS took a comprehensive approach, managing every aspect from borehole population and control to storage tanks, municipal control, and pressure boosting to the point of use. The modularized water treatment plant incorporated advanced filtration and reverse osmosis technologies to address water quality concerns at each stage of the process.

Glass Filter Media (GFM) and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) were employed for filtration, ensuring the removal of suspended solids and undesirable tastes and odours. Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology, operating with a high recovery rate, further purified the water, achieving the desired quality for irrigation purposes.

In addition, our system includes real-time monitoring and data logging, more commonly known as remote access & control, which allows for the monitoring of tank levels, chemical levels, water quality, flow rates, equipment status, pressure, and more. This feature gives both WPS and the client valuable insights into the performance of the water treatment system.

Implementation Process

Although there was no strict deadline for project completion, WPS set out a project timeline of 10 weeks from start to finish. The project was meticulously phased, with two weeks allocated to planning and design, 2 weeks for procurement, followed by 2 weeks for construction and assembly of the modular plant. Integration of the remote access and monitoring system, crucial for operational efficiency, was seamlessly incorporated. Rigorous testing ensured compliance and functionality, paving the way for a smooth two-week installation process, totalling 8 weeks from start to finish of the project and surpassing the 10-week time frame by 2 weeks Read more about our process here.

Results and Benefits

The project yielded tangible results and numerous benefits. Water quality improvements were evident, with fluoride levels effectively managed and irrigation standards achieved. The modularized approach facilitated swift installation, offering scalability and adaptability. Enhanced monitoring capabilities empowered our client to make informed decisions, fostering operational efficiency and reducing maintenance costs.


In conclusion, the successful implementation of the containerized water treatment plant represents a significant milestone in addressing the irrigation challenges faced by our client. By leveraging innovative technologies and a systematic approach, we have met expectations, delivering sustainable solutions that align with broader environmental objectives. As we look to the future, this project serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in driving positive change within the agricultural industry.

If you are looking for water treatment within this industry, speak to WPS and find out how we can achieve your water treatment needs and objectives. Contact us below for more information.

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