Water Filtration Solution Saves Seafood Wholesaler Thousands

By providing a seafood wholesaler with a water filtration solution, we enabled them to save thousands of Rands per month.

In the food and beverage sector, using alternative water supplies is key in ensuring water security and saving costs. We provided our client, a seafood wholesaler, with a water treatment solution that purifies their borehole water for factory use. This, in turn, reduces the amount of municipal water they need to use in the factory, enabling them to improve customer service and save a significant amount of money.

Based in Cape Town, our client offers a wide range of fish and seafood products to the wholesale and retail trade.

They employ the latest technology in processing and packaging in their modern factory. This has established them as a leader in the markets they currently serve, as they have an impressive record for maintaining continuity of supply despite seasonal fluctuations.

Building on this reputation, they contracted us to design, manufacture, and install a turnkey water treatment system that purifies the groundwater from their onsite borehole. Utilising this alternative water source not only ensures water security but also allows the client to reduce their use of municipal water significantly.

Another benefit is that they are able to operate without interruption because they have a consistent supply of water.

The turnkey water filtration system we produced for our client incorporates pre-treatment, filtration, and post-treatment to purify the borehole water and deliver potable water meeting the WHO’s standards for drinking water quality.

Industrial water filtration

Water Treatment Process

1. Pre-Treatment

The pre-treatment phase of the water treatment system assists in the efficient removal of dissolved metals and organics through coagulation. Coagulation, or clogging, is a process of combining particles and dissolved organic material into larger aggregates.

2. Filtration

Next, media filtration further purifies the water. Silica filtration media is employed to remove the larger suspended solids and assist in building the floc particles. In addition to this, glass filter media assists in the removal of metals from the water. The system also incorporates granular activated carbon to absorb dissolved constituents such as organics and residual chlorine.

Besides media filtration, we also incorporated cartridge filtration. This enables the removal of particles above a size of 5μm.

3. Ion Exchange

Colour removal resin is used to remove tannins and organic content. It is the organic content that gives water its colour. Thus, by removing the organic content, the colour is also removed, leaving the water clear and translucent.

4. Post-Treatment

Lastly, a dosing pump introduces sodium hypochlorite to the water as a disinfectant. This will keep biological growth at bay through to point of use, ensuring that the product water remains pure.


The water filtration system delivers 50m3/day of potable water, which the client uses for various applications in their factory. This, in turn, significantly reduces their demand for municipal water, thereby saving them thousands on municipal bills. They are also able to maintain a consistent supply of products to their customers due to continuous operation made possible by the water filtration solution we provided.

Do you have a borehole or another alternative water source that needs to undergo water treatment? Contact us to learn more about our innovative water treatment solutions.

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